OR not so little anymore ! How did they grow up so fast?
So anyway, i was browsing through my files on the computer. You see, my children have the habit of leaving the documents, pictures, videos and etc. in the computer all jumbled up.
So from time to time i check the files and clean them up. Well, to my surprise i found a picture of my children all together in ONE photo ! Isn't that short of a miracle ?
Well, i'm the proudest mother. Let me introduce you to my beloved baby children (they will ALWAYS BE MY BABIES).
To the left most(black and red) is my eldest daughter, Princess. She's the clown of them all and usually the most childish. She has the amazing ability to talk for hours. Like me, she adores shoes and bags. I guess that's every girl's Achilles's heel. But when put to a task, she is a responsible ATE.
Beside her is my one and only son, King. And yes, he does take after his name. He has become quite the king of the family. He is the splitting image of his father and that includes some of his behavior too. He may be a head ache a lot of times but he is also the sweetest (lambing) to me.
To his right is my youngest daughter(black and pink), Kyna. And yes, she is the one i talked about in my previous blog. Aside from all those things, she has also been known as the most KIKAY in the family. She adores accessories (bracelets, earrings, headbands, etc). And i have to say, majority of the files in the computer either has her name or her face in it. Yes, she is a teeny bit vain.
Lastly, to the rightmost is my second child (back w/ faux fur), Precious. At first glance almost plain in attitude; she does not usually stand out among the four (In her subtle way, she actually does). I call her the mature one because she acts all mature and thinks she knows what she is doing (which offends and irritates me sometimes). The most difficult to open, and yet the most frank. She stands firm and fights for what she believes in.
All of them in one roof: it's pure beautiful CHAOS. Each of them have given me their fair share of grey hairs, headaches and ulcer attacks.
But i love them all nonetheless. Nothing they could ever do could make me stop loving, adoring and being proud of them. NOTHING.
This comes from a mother who has gone through it all and is still standing waiting for the next battle. And has felt pain and disappointment but is still loving and believing.
And this is just a part of my story ...
I'd love to hear about your stories too !
Don't hesitate to share. =)