On one of trips to America, I went to visit an old gal pal of mine in New York. We go way back to my college days. Let's stop making my age the topic here shall we?
I stayed in their beautiful house for a few days. She has a wonderful husband who has become a good friend of mine too.
She showed me the sights, sounds and feel of NYC, but one of my funniest is this picture.
In it you can see me and two Officer Sivori and Officer Thompson of the NYC Police Department. Pretty cool, right?
How i got to let them have a picture with me was the funny part. We were walking around the city as i said. We got a little hungry and found a hotdog stand near by.
I try to avoid these kinds of food because they are quite bad for the health, alas, the smell was enough to make me surrender.
There was a line and these two officers were the ones in front of me. After their hotdogs were done, twas time to pay. Well, the cashier didn't have any change and that was all the cash they had.
Tadaaah. I came to the rescue. I volunteered to pay for their hotdogs. Then it was our turn. I ordered VEGGIE DOG.
While our buns were being heated, i told my friend that i should have gotten a picture with those cops. It would have been a great souvenir.
She answered in two words: "Why not?". I thought about it for a second and realized that she was right. So after we got our hotdogs, we went to where they parked their police car. They were actually about to leave but i was just in time.
They were friendly enough about it. So here ya go. My picture with the cops.
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