During the turn-over ceremony , our little girl was the host !
The latest bloomer of the family is my youngest daughter.
Although she excelled in a lot of extra curricular activities, we felt that there was more to her than that.
Her grades were low and she was struggling with her identity. That prompted my husband and me to decide to transfer her to another school. And then , her fairytale begun.
At first, she hated her new school. With only about 10 of them in one level, the teachers were able to monitor her progress and inform us of anything amiss.
With much persuasion, she slowly participated in class until her confidence in herself grew. In the next months, she showed much promise and the school offered her more and more responsibilities and roles in school. Both academic and extra curricular.
At first, we as parents, were skeptical about this. Maybe this is too much too soon. We were soon proven wrong when she ran for vice president of their school and WON ! We were already very proud not expecting that in the coming months, more is to come.
Month after month, she joined their programs and school activities. Her grades dramatically increased. She became the star dancer in one of the programs, the host for their turn over ceremony and she was the one given the key of responsibility to their school!
I thought the whirlwind fairytale had died down. Come April, we were given an invitation to their recognition ceremony. I browsed through the pages until something in the last page caught my eye. It was my daughter's name ! She was given an award for winning 2nd place in their Chemistry quiz bee ! Imagine that!
All those happened in one school year. Just 10 months !
Trials, change and transition may be difficult ... but they are the chances that God has given us to be better and live happier.
My daughter said she's aiming to be the valedictorian next year!
Wooow! This is good news! :)Congratulations to Keynah!