Thursday, April 9, 2009

Our little night out

Last night, my daughters and i came home quite late an quite tired.
You see, we went out for a little swim with my friends and their families too !
It was one of those hidden beauties in Cagayan de Oro.
The place was known as Abbas Orchard. A small private school slash residence. What's amazing about it is its location.

From Marco Hotel , you'll have to follow an unmarked road. It was so difficult to locate it at first because the road never seemed to end. Upon arriving there, we all heaved a sigh of relief. And our gracious host was there to greet us.

Leading us to the pool area, he gave us a little background of the school and it's owners. They turned out to be close friends which is why we were allowed to have our little private swimming in their pool.

When we arrived a the pool area, my children and i were amazed at the spectacular view. We were high above the mountain edge. The swimming pool was an infinity type and you could see the shoreline of Cagayan de Oro.

We ate, we talked and we joked at each other. Not long after, we were simply looking at our children having so much fun in the pool. I couldn't help but remember when they were just babies who were afraid of the water.

I glance at my friends and they must be thinking the same thing. I broke the mood and simply joked about our age. And that got us started on talking again.

We all did not notice the time. So when one of the husbands glanced at his watch and declared the time; we almost jumped. It was already almost eleven o'clock.

We called in the kids to get ready to leave. And they whined all the way to the restroom. When they finished getting dressed, the told us that they planned to come back the next day. Look at them, making their own plans!

Of course the parents agreed. We went home tired and dropped to bed immediately.

Just before i close my eyes, i thank God for giving me a chance to have my family together like this. It was indeed memorable.

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